Supernatural writer Robert Berens tweets the night away, both coasts! Kim Rhodes returns and survives! Orlando Jones also got caught up in the twitter madness. Enjoy the fun!

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens Okay left coasters! About to start my second livetweet! This one might be sloppy because MARGARITAS.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen So Bill gave me the worst bruises during that fight during shooting

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens Oh, is that the astonishingly talented @katramdeen in the cell? Why yes it is.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Omg I went to theatre school with this guy!

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real Shame @katramdeen isn’t pretty. #sarcasmTake that, fuckin’ wall!!

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens Way to make an entrance, @kimrhodes4real. #jody

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis Whamo! Best beheading this season. Good axe swing @kimrhodes4real

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen I remember it was raining for hard for this scene! I was safe and warm at craft services 😄

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens Fun fact: I was in the weeds for a pitch for this episode when @rthompson1138 and @andrewdabb approached me with an idea

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen I’m pretty sure the most laughs were had during that interrogation scene

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau No.. is this gonna be the Supernatural/twilight crossover?

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens .@rthompson1138 @andrewdabb And they started by saying “Have you seen ‘Martha Marcy May Marlene?’ Well, what if Jody…”

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real “Walking Dead” reference!
* That last expression was the combined effect of J2’s retreating hinies.

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens .@rthompson1138 @andrewdabb and I instantly spaced out with glee because I instantly saw very clearly the broad strokes of the ep.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen I think we were talking about band singer names here..

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen During shooting the interrogation scenes I dropped my phone and cracked the screen and camera lens lol 😄

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens Okay, to all those guessing Fargo… yes, Fargo too. So better make that FIVE movies that inspired the ep

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens .@rthompson1138 @andrewdabb …and what they pitched and what I imagined and what wound up onscreen are all EXTREMELY CLOSE. Which is–

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Hahah @kimrhodes4real is soooo cute!!!!!

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau Never mind, this can’t be the twilight crossover cause Kevin would totally be Bella. Glad we sorted that out.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Conor! He was such a blast to work with!!!!!

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens .@rthompson1138 @andrewdabb –a VERY unusual experience in television. Very grateful to them both. #butmostlydabb

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Hahaha I hope she lives

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis You all might recognize Greyston holt from the tv show Bitten. Course he has a shirt on So maybe not.

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real Go, Rosie on the steadicam!

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau Whoa.. I just saw my icon by accident and creeped myself out haha, I think I might have to changed it again

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis We didn’t have lots of Vfx in this ep so I only watched an early cut. Love seeing it all polished.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Omg it was raining so hard for this! And Kim hit her head getting out of the car

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Sound stage!

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens Remember when I said I wasn’t going to tweet about @kimrhodes4real’s awesomeness? Schwarzenegger voice: I LIED.

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real @ryan_curtis that would be YOU!!

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Man I love @kimrhodes4real and @robertberens

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens “Horribly.” @kimrhodes4real just killed me. I’m dead.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Jensen chews a loooottttt of gum lol

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Fargo anyone?

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis @kimrhodes4real nope all you. Didn’t you spend a couple summers as a lumberjack? Omg. Sorry lumberjill

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau There are at least 2 movies with wood chippers that gave me nightmares as a child.. not on my list of ways to go.

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real @katramdeen goddammit you are good.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen That cop is playing my dad in the short film #zincton!!!

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens @katramdeen is so great in this. Everything I could’ve hoped for when writing her part– and more. Sigh

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen So more fun with this barl scene!
* This is the first scene I shot!

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real Here we go…

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis @Samantha12Jane @OsricChau one was already nodded to this season

Samantha Jane ‏@Samantha12Jane @ryan_curtis @OsricChau Was one of the movies a Stepfather flick?

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau There are at least 2 movies with wood chippers that gave me nightmares as a child.. not on my list of ways to go.

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis @OsricChau and we referenced both of them to get the spray right.

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau I always imagined vampire feedings to be more sensual than that.

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real I do all my own stunts. In the rain. Never been so happy to have the crap kicked outa me.

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens @OsricChau PERV.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Omg this was so much fun to shoot this scene! Scaring @kimrhodes4real hahahaha

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Oh shiet!!!!!
OMG! Sugar glass!!!!

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens OMG @TheOrlandoJones is livetweeting my #Supernatural episode I’m dying.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Clothesline!!!! @kimrhodes4real @TheJimMichaels @robertberens

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau He just punched the wrong girl in the face.

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real I don’t. I seriously don’t give a single fig.

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau ·My Kevin Freakin’ Solo Cosplay is up for auction! All proceeds going to Random Acts for random deeds by @mishacollins

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens I suck at writing action. So the credit for the amazing action in this ep all goes to director Stefan Pleszczynski. He did an AMAZING job.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen When the vamps stole me, the car had to be pushed back up a hill hahah was hilarious

Gabriel Tigerman ‏@GabrielTigerman @kimrhodes4real Not even ONE fig???

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen My god Ashley Crow was incredible to work with!!!!!

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real Such a fuckin’ awesome take on a vamp. Ashley Crow! Soooo creepy.

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis Damn it Mills. How did you not see that guy before he close lined you? There was nothing to hide behind. #Supernatural

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis I do to give a fig newton. Product placement

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Will she turn me?…..

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Mills has got Alex’s back!!!!

Mark Meloche ‏@rotomonkee Its official: if there’s ever a zombie apocalypse, I’m on Mills’ team.

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen Oh god… What’s coming up….

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens Stefan directed this raid sequence masterfully. Added so much tension + style to a relatively simple sequence from the script.

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau @robertberens I wish I could control my headcanon.. no can do

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen That’d be me… Crying

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens @katramdeen, what WERE you doing in that basement? #sexnoises

Katherine Ramdeen ‏@katramdeen My eyes!!!!!

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis I don’t think Jody was being genuine when she agreed that Alex was secondary. Just telling dean what he wanted to hear?

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau Poor Jodie.. really getting the short end of the stick on this episode… but she’s bound to come back yea?

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis ·Btw that house looks like that all the time. This might surprise you but it smelled of cat urine. So. That’s was neat

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real @robertberens yes! There have been a couple of, “Woah’s” in this household so far.

Mark Meloche ‏@rotomonkee @kimrhodes4real rocked these scenes

Mark Meloche ‏@rotomonkee This house smelled a little like pee. Ugh.

Mary Galloway ‏@MissMGalloway @robertberens ‘s writing + @katramdeen ‘s acting = INCREDIBLE!

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens Ashley Crow is terrifying as Celia. Great work
* Ashley Crow as Celia, aka “Mama.” Givin’ me shivers

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau Please.. these vamps couldn’t even handle drinking Winchester blood

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens Fantastic guest performances all around, actually: Greyston Holt, Reilly Dolman…

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis why they didn’t just kill the winchesters while they are all tied up and at gun point. Mine you. Season 9 so. Nothing new

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real That looked like it hurt.

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis You know @robertberens sometimes I feel like I am going through a process. It’s like your talking to me.

Mark Meloche ‏@rotomonkee All praise the almighty vamp lid popping. A lot of those this episode. Go Dean!

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis Ok you just called Jody Mills a hunter cop bitch?! Oh no you didn’t , Jody don’t stand for that kind of shit talking.

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau “Look at me Bitch!” Badass, Dean.. badass.. keep it in check though.

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real So. That happened.

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens OMG. Such beautiful performances. I love you @kimrhodes4real and @katramdeen. Brilliantly staged and edited denouement.

Mark Meloche ‏@rotomonkee Like I said: Go Mills!

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis Look at me bitch. You can tell the mark is really channeling Jesse Pinkman.

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis Omg that dead mans blood effect is so fuxking good @ChristopherSPN

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real @robertberens @katramdeen you made it. We just did it. I suppose Stephan had something to do with it too.
* Heh heh. “Hair shirt.”

Mark Meloche ‏@rotomonkee #SPN #SPNFamily Gotta love the way it all comes together. Beautiful performances: our boys in finest form.

Badonk-a-Donkey ‏@OsricChau I was actually afraid that this was gonna be THE episode for Jodie.. bullet dodged!

Mark Meloche ‏@rotomonkee Even beat to shit @kimrhodes4real is beautiful. Wonderful touching performance

BoboBerens ‏@robertberens .@TheOrlandoJones I’M DEAD. #thankyou #sleepynatural

Jim Michaels ‏@TheJimMichaels @JackieK07 @kimrhodes4real don’t get greedy!

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real @TheJimMichaels @jackiek07 I AM GREEDY!!

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real I know it was light on the boys tonight. Thanks for riding it out. @robertberens is astounding. Thank you.

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real @OsricChau xoxoxo so was I!!!

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real @robertberens he was AWESOME!

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real @robertberens he he he he. Thanks, mister.

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis Here is a question. How anyone this seasons monsters or the week been women vs boy MoW?

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real @robertberens I’m saving that tweet for ever and ever

Winchester Bros ‏@WinchesterBros Mark of Cain is trending in the US!

Maisie SPN ‏@SpnMaisieDaisy “His name’s Cody…” Aww i wonder if that was a shoutout to @StonerockC 😦 Still thinking of you guys!

ryan_curtis ‏@ryan_curtis @ryan_curtis wow. “How many” not anyone.
* Gender of baddies s9 mow. 903-f 904-f 905-m 906-m 907-f 908-f 912-f 913-m 914-m 917-f 919-f total 6 female and 4 males

kim rhodes ‏@kimrhodes4real I’m going to bed. Thank you all. If we’ve learned anything, we’ve learned the phrase, “I don’t give a fig,” must make a comeback.

Orlando Jones ‏@TheOrlandoJones The “previously on” reminds me that when you need something done, you bring in someone in law enforcement named Mills
* Mills Thrills bitches. #ThatsWhatsUp #LetsDoThis #Supernatural @RealKimRhodes
* Fang check is one of the requirements of Obama care, amirite?
* As soon as she said she was @taylorswift13 I was half expecting Vampire Kanye to appear –
* Alex is a wanna be Sookie Stackhouse
* Vampires in Sioux Falls is totes a thing
* Did Mills just call out the Sophia episode of @WalkingDead_AMC? Nice!
* What’s up with YouTube celebs on my teevees? #MakeItStop
* Wait, is that Sherrif Corbin’s cabin that Ichabod Crane is staying at? #SuperSleepy
* Not everyday you see hick vampires. It’s like Winter’s Fang up in here.
* And she kept listening to that Vampire Weekend crap too
* It’s not delivery it’s de-vampires
* i’m totally buying those bed sheets … #CamperSweetCamper
* Winchester Bros are about to go camping… for vamps
* Dean be like “she’s a honey trap”#Supernatural
* Jody Mills be like – “you try to mess with her you’ll have to go through me first”
* Dean, we’re not here for your overcompensating faux masculine BS. Jody Mills can take care of her self!! She’s got YOUR 6 dude
* Jody Mills is a BAMF. @kimrhodes4real is a BAMF. That is all
* On an ep called “Alex Annie Alexis Ann” they showed a commercial for Godzilla co-starring Martha Marcy May Marlene actress Elizabeth Olsen.
* Who’s the actress playing vamp mama? She looks very familiar
* Hunter Cop Bitch? Oh hell naw!!
* So the moral of the story is… DO NOT question a vampire’s maternal instincts
* Alex be like – “I told you I wanted that #SuperSleepy shirt mama. Why couldn’t you just buy it for me??” –
* Do Hunters eat Jack in the Box sandwiches with GHOST pepper ranch?
* Sam be like “Look at me bitch? That’s a really offensive word Dean. Try not to such a goddamn misogynist dude”
* Great job @robertberens. Felt like good old school
* Next week looks awesome. Chi-Town VAMPS up in this piece!!